I Am Enough (And You Are Too)

I Am Enough (And You Are Too)

There is a workshop I offer with two of my friends, Bettyjo Bouchey and Tina Rettler-Pagel. We’ve been giving this workshop at several conferences over the years. It’s a topic that really resonates with me, Conscious Leadership. 

I was first introduced to this concept by Bettyjo. We had wanted to submit a proposal for a conference and were sharing ideas. I had never heard of the topic before, but was intrigued. I bought the book and was amazed. The concepts were simple, but incredibly powerful. I realized there were many people who needed to learn about this topic. We decided on this as the topic for a workshop and began a wonderful journey together. That was three years ago and I’m still learning from and reflecting on the principles I learned in that book. The most recent one that has become a bit of a mantra for me is, I am Enough. 

The challenges that arise from daily life can be overwhelming…

Managing requests from faculty who only seem to want to complain in spite of you bending over backwards to help them. 

Feeling like a bad parent because you send your kid to school with a hole in their sock. (And they feel the need to tell every single person you encounter on the way all about it.)

Coming home from a long day at work to see a small mountain of laundry, or learning that a colleague gets a promotion you had been working hard for, or realizing the windows are covered with tiny hand prints, the list that can try to pull us down goes on and on. And it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by it. 

I know I’ll eventually get back to a point where I feel like I’m thriving instead of surviving, but for now, I’m simply going to remind myself that I am Enough. 

Whatever positive or negative things happen, I am Enough. And you are too. We’re all in this together, so the best thing we can do is offer grace to one another.