Each year the college I work in at Penn State has a banquet to celebrate the hard work and achievements of the faculty. (Don’t worry, my college is awesome and they have an event for the staff too. It would simply be too long of an evening to hold both of them together!)
This year, the college of Earth and Mineral Sciences overwhelmingly decided that the learning designers should receive the G. Montgomery and Marion Mitchell Award for Innovative Teaching. Because of Covid the event was virtual, of course. The director of our unit, Annie Taylor, gave a brief introduction before presenting the award to us. Apparently, the faculty from our unit were so appreciative of the support we offered during the transition to emergency remote teaching, that a record number of nominations were submitted.
I’m grateful for the many faculty I had the opportunity to collaborate with over the past year. It has been an honor working with them to provide PSU students with high quality learning experiences in spite of the challenges presented by Covid. The resilience and dedication shown by the faculty was truly inspiring.