Designers are Key to Innovation in Learning

Designers are Key to Innovation in Learning

Learning Designers play a key role in the creation of quality learning experiences. Here are several ways in which designers can increase the opportunities for innovation in learning. 


Learning designers have detailed insights into strategies that peer faculty are using to teach their courses. LD’s become a wealth of knowledge on strategies that work and ones that don’t work within each unique scenario. Not only across a single program but across multiple programs. LD’s can offer unique insights into strategies that have the potential to completely transform a course.


LD’s serve as the mediator between the faculty and entire teams of course development specialists. They work closely with multimedia specialists (include graphic designers, videographers, etc.) programmers, project managers, and others. With these connections, they have tremendous insights into things that are happening in other fields that may transfer or impact the learning process both in class and online.


Everything designers do is ground in research. Faculty in a specialized area may not have the ability or time to investigate new strategies or opportunities for teaching and learning. Yet, Learning Designers do this as a part of their daily responsibilities. Often times this research is driven by a conversation with a faculty member who is having a certain type of challenge, but other times it’s because the designers have picked up on an interesting trend or topic which holds promise for impacting the learning process. 


Learning Designers have a unique skill set that allows them to blend learning theory and technology. Of course, there are many tech-savvy faculty who are also capable of doing this, but blending the technology and the learning theory in a balanced way is specifically part of an LD’s education. LDs understand how to go about incorporating technology into courses without letting the technology overshadow the learning process. If the technology isn’t integrated in a balanced way, students’ frustration with new tech can easily become the focus and all learning opportunities can be lost.